Jessica Ellen May | Photographer + Videographer

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Avoid these 3 mistakes if you’re taking your own family photos!

Listen, I get that it’s not always possible to hire a pro. 

You probably already know that your phone can capture good stuff when you know what you’re doing, so let me help you with some simple mistakes I see people make.

Blowing the highlights

Often when photos are taken in harsh lighting our phone cameras can’t auto-compensate and things get really bright in parts. Use manual exposure on your phone or find more even lighting, (ie. under a porch roof).

Weird angles

Taking photos from a diagonal spot instead of head-on.  I know sometimes you don’t have a choice when things are happening quickly, but if you have time, move around. Get face-on with your subject.

Cluttered photos

You don’t have to clean a room or anything. You can actually get rid of some of the clutter by moving yourself. It will bring more focus to the subject.

There’s nothing like practicing to improve your photographs, so go for it!

Want some help taking your family photos?

If you want a pro to do it, don’t be scared to reach out.

Want more tips family photo tips?

Get more tips for documenting your family at home with my guide. Click the link!