How to get the BEST family photos and avoid a disappointing experience!

Occasionally, during inquiry or a photo session, people tell me about their past family photo experience. Sometimes it was great, and they’re looking for something similar. Other times, it wasn’t a good experience for them, and they say things like:

  • They didn’t like the way they looked.

  • They felt awkward and didn’t know what they were supposed to be doing during the session.

  • They were disappointed with the final images.

  • They felt lost during the process.

Just like anything else, everyone certain preferences and expectations.

Sometimes it’s the photographer’s fault for not communicating clearly or being inexperienced. And, sometimes client’s don’t do their homework. Now, I can’t fix past experiences, but I can help you get a positive experience with your next family photos (secret whisper: even if it’s not with me).

Finding the right photographer for you!

First, you need to do a little research to see who is available. I know this takes time, but if you’re going to take the time to go through the whole process and spend your hard earned money, it’s worth the investment. This could be a Google seach or asking friends where they got their photos done (love them or not, you’ll know if that person might a good fit).

When checking out the photographers websites, reading reviews (mine on Google and Facebook) and testimonials, and talking to friends, here are a few things to consider:

The photographers style

What you see is what you’ll get! Photographers are putting up their best work (that they have permission to share).Do you like the photographers end product? Here are some things to think about when you look at their photos.

  • Do you or the photographer want stylize outfits?

  • What’s the photographers editing like? Dark and mood or bright and airy? Natural or airbrushed?

  • Do you want to be at home or another location you love or do you want something epic looking?

  • Do you want to be heavily posed, candid looking, or just be documented?

Not sure what you like? Look around at different photographers. If you like something about a photographers work, ask yourself what it is. Every photographer has a different style, and every client has a different style, too.

Check out what it would be like to work with me.

Know your budget and how much the photographer costs.

Sometimes people inquire and go through a call with me, and they don’t book due to price. Most photographers have something about their price listed on their site, so you can gage whether you can or want to afford their services.

If you’re looking for the cheapest photographer, you should expect that your photos or experience might reflect that. However, I get that everyone has a budget, sometimes that’s flexible and sometimes not. If your budget is tight and you’re considering a cheaper photographer, make sure you do due diligence about what you’re actually getting.

Things to consider:

  • How much is the full experience?

  • What will I actually get?

    • Communication with photographer

    • Number of digital photos (in the gallery and included in the packages)

    • Products or product credit included or not

    • Session length, outfit changes, and number of people allowed at the session

Sometimes photographers can send you a whole client gallery see what someone else was actually delivered.

Also, if you can wait for your session, some photographers will work out a payment plan for you over the months before your session. I do this, too.

The experience and communication

This might be something you’re not thinking about when working with a photographer, but it’s worth considering.

Hands-off photography experience

Some photographers allow you to book online without ever talking to them first. You just show up to your session on the date you pick. Then, when the session is over, you wait and get your photos, and that’s it.

Sometimes you’ll still get a reminder email, but overall, there will be a lot less communication. Some people are okay with that, some feel confused or irritated.

Hands-on photography experience

Other photographers have an inquiry process, booking process, welcome gudies, style guides, questionnaires, a pre-shoot phone call, reminder emails. After the session, you get emails reminding you about the process and when you’ll get your gallery, product highlights, and finally your gallery. Sometimes photographers even set up a day to go through the gallery with you to help you decide what to do with the photos.

Sometimes these differences are why you’re paying someone more or less.

And, none of these things are good or bad. They’re just different, and provide a different experience. Only you know what would be a good fit for you and your family.

The photographers personality

Maybe it matters, and maybe it doesn’t. However, this can be a key to why you have a good experience with one person and not with someone else. Often, you’re asking you and your family to be yourselves around someone you don’t know very well or at all.

You can get to know your photographers personality by following them on social media, reading their about me, and browsing their website. If you want someone loud, really funny, and direct, you should get that impression from them through their online presence. I can tell you, I am more quiet, warm, and laid back, but you can read more about me here.

Bottom line, do your homework before spending your money, so you can get the best family photos and an experience that doesn’t disappoint.


Want to learn about my family photo experience? Click the button to learn more.


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