Reasons for considering spring family photos + a couple of tips, too.

Right behind winter, spring is one of the less popular seasons for taking photos. And, I can’t entirely blame you. Spring is muddy and dirty, things are still dead looking, and it’s often still snowing or cold. At first these things might seem less desirable, but spring has its perks.

So, when is the best time for spring family photos?

Life happens in all seasons

For one thing, life happens throughout the year, not just in a particular month or the more popular family photo seasons—fall and summer.

Spring is a season of renewal and birth. It’s when the days are getting sunnier and snow is melting, and we start to get excited about t-shirt weather. Flowers and grass start to grow, and baby animals are being born.

But, if you’re wondering when it might be a little warmer outside, I would aim for the end of April or even May.

Dirt = Smiles

I have to say, I love taking photos of kids splashing in a mud puddle and digging in the dirt. Kids love it, too. You want your kids to be smiling for some photos. Saying cheese usually gives you awkward, forced smiles; give the kids free rein of the puddles in your driveway, and they’ll smile from ear to ear. Clothes can be washed.

Is Spring calling you to come outside?

Have you ever heard the phrase by Alfred Wainwright, “There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” We have nearly 9 months of mild to freezing weather in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

When it’s springtime in Michigan, we start breaking out our t-shirts when it’s 40+ degrees. Even though it’s chilly, after months of single-digit temperatures, cabin fever is in full force, we are longing to get outside.

My family loves to get outdoors, even with our littlest, in all seasons. So, chasing your family outside for part or all of your session in chillier weather is not a problem for me.

We can embrace the indoors, too.

We don’t have to spend all—or any—of your session outside either. We can divide up the time however you would like.

There is plenty of family fun to be had inside, too—art projects, baking, reading, and other activities your family enjoys together.

The main thing is that your family does activities that feel normal to you because this is your story I’m telling.

Scheduling can be easier

For some families, scheduling can be an issue. Summer and fall are often packed with activities and sports. Usually people aren’t as busy during the spring, and it might be an easier time to schedule your family session.

Also, photographers aren’t as over-run with family sessions during this time, so it might be easier to make your calendars line-up.

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10+ Pictures of kids not smiling for the camera!


Fall family photos at home in Sault Ste. Marie, MI