Why you don’t have to worry about performing for the camera during your family photo session!

Hey friend.

Have you been hiding from the professionals because of the stress of a family photography session?

It’s important to you to get your family documented every once in awhile so that you can get in the frame. But, there are so many reasons why getting family photos can be stressful. And, sometimes it almost doesn’t feel worth it. Hello… you have a decent camera in your pocket most of the time anyway.

However, you want to be part of the photos and part of the legacy you pass on to your kids. You want to see how much your family loves each other, and YOU.

Family photography sessions don’t have to be a performance

Documentary photography is meant to represent your family in an authentic way. I’m not here to tell you we are going to capture your family, and then dress you up how I think you should and act how I tell you to. I actually want you to be yourselves.

Bring on the messy outfits

This isn’t the type of session where you need to buy special outfits. In fact, if your kids generally pick out their clothes and dress themselves, your session should be no different. Let your kids wear their favorite clothes, and let them get dirty But, it’s not just for the kids.

You should wear clothes that make you feel comfortable or cute. If you wake up and put on leggings and an old t-shirt and slap your hair on top of your head, rock that. If you love wearing dresses and being barefoot in the summer, go for it.

And, if your husband wants to wear those double kneed work pants that he has five pairs of, let him. He will be more comfortable and relaxed.

Let the sh*t fly

These sessions are for you. You don’t have to curb the crude jokes or your kids behavior for me. You’re not a star in The Truman Show. My husband grabs my butt at home. My kids run around like tornados.

And even when I dream about being abducted by aliens or getting stranded alone on an island, I know I would miss all this crazy stuff that makes up my life. And I know that what is real is what is meaningful in the end. The relationships we have with our family and the pieces that make us uniquely us is what we will want to see reflected back.

Because your family is beautiful just the way it is.

When you see your family through my camera, you won’t care what your family wore or that your husband was being a goofball or your kid was smooshing his face against yours for 15 minutes. Because you’ll see the love your family shared and you’ll see your personalities shine. You’re perfect just the way you are.


Fall family photos at home in Sault Ste. Marie, MI


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