My Husband Hates Photos

Letter from a Reader

Dear Jessica,

My husband hates to get his photo taken, but I still really want family photos. Is it too much to ask to Photoshop a smile on his face in every picture with him? Here is our best picture from last year to prove my point.

Thank you,

Worried Wynona

dad holding two young sons; black and white

A real photo my friend Erin Smith took this year of my husband (being a goof) and the boys. I’m glad she kept this one in the gallery. :)

Hello, Wynona (and any other husband-harried readers),

You must feel like your husband is quite the curmudgeon. But it’s pretty typical for many guys (and gals) not to enjoy having their photo taken. After all, a lot of times, photo sessions are kind of weird. You get outfits for this single occasion, yell and yank to get the family to a random location you’ve never been to, and then have a stranger tell you to stand just so and be affectionate. And, I must say, that’s tough for some people. But thankfully, there are some talented photographers out there making that look great.

But to answer your question, I won’t be Photoshopping your husband’s face, and here’s why: I won’t need to. If your husband is capable of smiling, he probably will at some point during the session because my experience is different. He will be wearing comfortable clothes, in a location he knows, with people he loves, and he won’t hear me say, “Smile.” 

And, can I just say this? There are some other worthwhile expressions people make without being asked.

In case you’re still worried, Wynona, here’s the proof.

Yours Truly,

Jessica Ellen May


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Can we go to a location for our family photo session?